Approval of Minutes 1. Approval of SB Meeting Minutes - June 27, 2013 2. Approval of SB Workshop Minutes - June 27, 2013 - Budget Development Workshop
1. Exceed the Limit 071113 2. Surplus 071113 3. Property Inventory Audits 071113 4. DAG Architect Agenda Items 5. Pinder Martin Agenda Items
1. Human Resource Action Agenda Addendum Added 2. Capstone Academy - Charter School Evaluation System
1. Memo of Understanding Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Northwest Florida 2. 2013-2014 Cooperative Agreement Milton Service Center TAPP 3. Memorandum of Understanding: Council on Aging of West Florida, Inc. 4. Title 1, Part D Grant/ 2013-2014 5. Annual Guidance Report 6. School Health Policy & Procedure Manual 7. 2013-2014 Student Progression Plan
Approval of Minutes 1. Approval of SB Meeting Minutes - June 27, 2013 2. Approval of SB Workshop Minutes - June 27, 2013 - Budget Development Workshop
1. Exceed the Limit 071113 2. Surplus 071113 3. Property Inventory Audits 071113 4. DAG Architect Agenda Items 5. Pinder Martin Agenda Items
1. Human Resource Action Agenda Addendum Added 2. Capstone Academy - Charter School Evaluation System
1. Memo of Understanding Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Northwest Florida 2. 2013-2014 Cooperative Agreement Milton Service Center TAPP 3. Memorandum of Understanding: Council on Aging of West Florida, Inc. 4. Title 1, Part D Grant/ 2013-2014 5. Annual Guidance Report 6. School Health Policy & Procedure Manual 7. 2013-2014 Student Progression Plan