Recognitions/ Resolutions/ Proclamations 1. Shine Award 2. State Weightlifting Title 3. Food Service Recognition of Ciara Steadman 4. Florida School Nutrition Association Awards
Public Hearing 1. 2016-2017 Code of Student Conduct - Updates 2. Request to advertise a public hearing on the 2016-2017 School Choice Plan 3. Request to advertise a public hearing on Instructional Materials Adoption - Music 4. Request to advertise a public hearing for Adoption of Instructional Materials - Health & Physical Education, K-8
Human Resource Recommendation- Conni Carnley, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources 1. Human Resource Action Agenda
Approval of Agenda- Items may be pulled from the Administrative Agenda and placed under the respective Action Agenda category by request of the Board member/Superintendent 1. Human Resource items a. Human Resource Administrative Agenda Changed b. Leaves and Out of State Temporary Duty Addendum Added c. 2015-2016 Annual Inspections d. Insurance Plan Update 2. Curriculum/Instruction Items a. School Volunteers b. Suspensions c. Student Reassignment Requests 3. Financial Items a. Budget Amendment #15/07, Bills and Payroll, and Monthly Financial Statement for March 2016 4. Administrative Operational Items a. Field Trip Requests Addendum Added b. Facility Use Requests c. Business Partners
Administrative/Operational Recommendations- Joey Harrell, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services 1. Exceed the Limit 051916 2. 2016 Food Service Management Contract Amendment 051916 3. Unauthorized Purchase 051916 4. Property Inventory Audits 051916 5. Surplus 051916
Curricular and Instructions Recommendation – Bill Emerson, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction 1. Early Terminations 2. Alternative Placements 3. Request to continue services Black Board Connect 4. Early Head Start/Head Start Monthly Report for April 2016- Review Only
Financial Recommendations – Susan McCole, Assistant Superintendent for Finance M. Items from Board Members 1. 2016 Value Adjustment Board
Recognitions/ Resolutions/ Proclamations 1. Shine Award 2. State Weightlifting Title 3. Food Service Recognition of Ciara Steadman 4. Florida School Nutrition Association Awards
Public Hearing 1. 2016-2017 Code of Student Conduct - Updates 2. Request to advertise a public hearing on the 2016-2017 School Choice Plan 3. Request to advertise a public hearing on Instructional Materials Adoption - Music 4. Request to advertise a public hearing for Adoption of Instructional Materials - Health & Physical Education, K-8
Human Resource Recommendation- Conni Carnley, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources 1. Human Resource Action Agenda
Approval of Agenda- Items may be pulled from the Administrative Agenda and placed under the respective Action Agenda category by request of the Board member/Superintendent 1. Human Resource items a. Human Resource Administrative Agenda Changed b. Leaves and Out of State Temporary Duty Addendum Added c. 2015-2016 Annual Inspections d. Insurance Plan Update 2. Curriculum/Instruction Items a. School Volunteers b. Suspensions c. Student Reassignment Requests 3. Financial Items a. Budget Amendment #15/07, Bills and Payroll, and Monthly Financial Statement for March 2016 4. Administrative Operational Items a. Field Trip Requests Addendum Added b. Facility Use Requests c. Business Partners
Administrative/Operational Recommendations- Joey Harrell, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services 1. Exceed the Limit 051916 2. 2016 Food Service Management Contract Amendment 051916 3. Unauthorized Purchase 051916 4. Property Inventory Audits 051916 5. Surplus 051916
Curricular and Instructions Recommendation – Bill Emerson, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction 1. Early Terminations 2. Alternative Placements 3. Request to continue services Black Board Connect 4. Early Head Start/Head Start Monthly Report for April 2016- Review Only
Financial Recommendations – Susan McCole, Assistant Superintendent for Finance M. Items from Board Members 1. 2016 Value Adjustment Board