D. Oral Written Communications E. Recognitions/ Resolutions/ Proclamations F. Public Hearing
Administrative Agenda H. Approval of Agenda- Items may be pulled from the Administrative Agenda and placed under the respective Action Agenda category by request of the Board member/Superintendent 1. Human Resource items a. Administrative Agenda b. Leaves and Out of State Temporary Duty 2. Curriculum/Instruction Items a. Student Reassignment Requests b. School Volunteers c. Business Partner 3. Financial Items a. Budget Amendment #16/10, Bills and Payroll, and Monthly Financial Statement for June 2017 4. Administrative Operational Items a. Field Trip Requests
Action Agenda Administrative/Operational Recommendations- Joey Harrell, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services 1. Exceed the Limit 081717 2. Surplus 081717 3. RFP 17-08 Restoration for Buildings and Grounds 081717 4. RFP 17-09 Debris Removal and Tree Trimming 081717
9. Direct Purchasing Change Orders J. Human Resource Recommendation- Conni Carnley, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources 1. Action Agenda
4. Grant Synopsis Title I, Part A 2017-2018 5. Carl D. Perkins Secondary Grant 2017-2018 6. Carl D. Perkins Postsecondary Grant 2017-2018 7. Student Financial Aid 2017-2018 8. SRO Agreement with SRC Sheriff's Dept L. Financial Recommendations – Susan McCole, Assistant Superintendent for Finance
D. Oral Written Communications E. Recognitions/ Resolutions/ Proclamations F. Public Hearing
Administrative Agenda H. Approval of Agenda- Items may be pulled from the Administrative Agenda and placed under the respective Action Agenda category by request of the Board member/Superintendent 1. Human Resource items a. Administrative Agenda b. Leaves and Out of State Temporary Duty 2. Curriculum/Instruction Items a. Student Reassignment Requests b. School Volunteers c. Business Partner 3. Financial Items a. Budget Amendment #16/10, Bills and Payroll, and Monthly Financial Statement for June 2017 4. Administrative Operational Items a. Field Trip Requests
Action Agenda Administrative/Operational Recommendations- Joey Harrell, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services 1. Exceed the Limit 081717 2. Surplus 081717 3. RFP 17-08 Restoration for Buildings and Grounds 081717 4. RFP 17-09 Debris Removal and Tree Trimming 081717
9. Direct Purchasing Change Orders J. Human Resource Recommendation- Conni Carnley, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources 1. Action Agenda
4. Grant Synopsis Title I, Part A 2017-2018 5. Carl D. Perkins Secondary Grant 2017-2018 6. Carl D. Perkins Postsecondary Grant 2017-2018 7. Student Financial Aid 2017-2018 8. SRO Agreement with SRC Sheriff's Dept L. Financial Recommendations – Susan McCole, Assistant Superintendent for Finance