Approval of Minutes 1. Approval of 2018-19 Budget Workshop Minutes of July 24, 2018 Changed 2. Approval of School Board Meeting Minutes of July 24, 2018
Public Hearing 1. Conduct Public Hearing for the 2018-2019 Code of Student Conduct 2. Conduct Public Hearing for the 2018-2019 Student Progression Plan 3. Conduct Public Hearing on SB Policy Updates 4. Conduct First Public Hearing on the Proposed/Tentative 2018-19 Budget
Approval of Agenda- Items may be pulled from the Administrative Agenda and placed under the respective Action Agenda category by request of the Board member/Superintendent 1. Human Resource items a. Administrative Agenda Addendum Added b. Leaves and Out of State Temporary Duty c. Private Instructional Provider Requests 2. Curriculum/Instruction Items a. Student Reassignment Requests 3. Financial Items a. Internal Funds Check Signer Position for Santa Rosa Adult School 4. Administrative Operational Items a. Facility Use Requests
Action Agenda Administrative/Operational Recommendations- Joey Harrell, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services DAG Agenda Items
Human Resource Recommendation- Conni Carnley, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources 1. Action Agenda
3. Student Financial Aid 2018-2019 4. Carl D. Perkins Secondary Grant 2018-2019 5. Carl D. Perkins Postsecondary Grant 2018-2019 Changed 6. Title IV Student Support and Academic Enrichment 2018-2019
Approval of Minutes 1. Approval of 2018-19 Budget Workshop Minutes of July 24, 2018 Changed 2. Approval of School Board Meeting Minutes of July 24, 2018
Public Hearing 1. Conduct Public Hearing for the 2018-2019 Code of Student Conduct 2. Conduct Public Hearing for the 2018-2019 Student Progression Plan 3. Conduct Public Hearing on SB Policy Updates 4. Conduct First Public Hearing on the Proposed/Tentative 2018-19 Budget
Approval of Agenda- Items may be pulled from the Administrative Agenda and placed under the respective Action Agenda category by request of the Board member/Superintendent 1. Human Resource items a. Administrative Agenda Addendum Added b. Leaves and Out of State Temporary Duty c. Private Instructional Provider Requests 2. Curriculum/Instruction Items a. Student Reassignment Requests 3. Financial Items a. Internal Funds Check Signer Position for Santa Rosa Adult School 4. Administrative Operational Items a. Facility Use Requests
Action Agenda Administrative/Operational Recommendations- Joey Harrell, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services DAG Agenda Items
Human Resource Recommendation- Conni Carnley, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources 1. Action Agenda
3. Student Financial Aid 2018-2019 4. Carl D. Perkins Secondary Grant 2018-2019 5. Carl D. Perkins Postsecondary Grant 2018-2019 Changed 6. Title IV Student Support and Academic Enrichment 2018-2019